Finding out the Windows Cluster Size of a Volume

From an administrative command prompt type: fsutil fsinfo ntfsinfo d: The output will include: Bytes Per Cluster : 4096 In this case Bytes Per Cluster is 4096.
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Excluding or Including a Network/Subnet from Wireshark Results

You can use this wireshark filter to restrict results to the network you are interested in: ip.addr == Since we are not specifying a source or destination (i.e. ip.src or ip.dst), the filter will match both. If you want to reverse it then: !(ip.addr == I’ll often use the same method to filter the results on a specific IP address, preserving both ends of the conversation: ip.addr == 10.
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Nslookup on The Mac, Interactive Mode Broken

Nslookup under osx is tricky to use interactively as it doesn’t support readline. When you try to use the command history you get the following: > ^[[A Argh! This means more typing. As far as I can remember it has always returned ^[[A or ^[[B depending on the arrow key used. After a bit of research it seems you can fix it with rlwrap which you can install via mac ports.
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Administer Microsoft Exchange Remotely with Powershell

Rather than installing the remote exchange management tools and the pain that can cause, you can use powershell remoting. To setup powershell to connect to the exchange server pop the following into a powershell prompt on your client machine: $cred = get-credential $myremote = New-PSSession -configurationname Microsoft.Exchange -connectionURI http://server_name/Powershell -credential $cred Import-PSSession $myremote The first line prompts you for the account details to connect/manage exchange. Once you’ve entered the next two lines you should be able to run remote powershell commands.
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Find out the OS Architecture of Windows Quickly

Sometimes you need to find out if you are running a 32bit or a 63bit Windows operating system. You can do this quickly from the command line using WMI: wmic os get osarchitecture Another option is using the following environmental variable: echo %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% Short and sweet.
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Installing OmniOS Under VMware Fusion/Workstation

As of the 25/06/12 you need to use the bloody release and will also need to have a floppy drive attached. You can add the floppy drive through the VMware gui or add the following to your vmx file: floppy0.fileType = "file" floppy0.fileName = "path_to_/floppy_image/Omni.flp" floppy0.clientDevice = "FALSE" floppy0.startConnected = "FALSE" If you want to create a virtual floppy image then use the following on Os X: touch path_to_/floppy_image/Omni.flp I’m not sure you need to point to a real image, however if you are using the Fusion gui, it requires you to have one.
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Getting the Size of a File in Bytes in Unix/Linux

Use the following from a terminal to get the file size in bytes: wc -c ~/screenlog.0 Which in this case will output: 76974 /Users/edward/screenlog.0 Showing my screenlog.0 is 76974 bytes.
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Unable to Remove Subinterface from ScreenOS

When removing subinterfaces from a SSG550 we were getting the following error: > Unable to remove interface, interface ethernet0/0.1:1 is in use the interface cannot be set Where ethernet0/01:1 is the interface you are trying to remove. After some experimentation we found that you have to make sure you have removed the check box under the NTP server service option. If the subinterface is still running NTP you will be unable to remove the subinterface.
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Reasons to Upgrade to Vyatta Core 6.4

How about: > Multi-queue support for VMXNET3 drivers. New support for VMXNET3 drivers provides the ability to scale throughput in a VMware vSphere 5 environment by assigning multiple cores to the Vyatta virtual machine. Sounds good to me.
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Open the Current Working Folder from the Command-line/Terminal in Windows, Ubuntu or OS X

Sometimes you need to use the operating system file manager rather than a terminal so a quick way of opening it can be seen below. For the Windows command line: explorer . The OS X terminal: open . The Ubuntu console: nautilus . This will work for parent folders .. as well as current directory. Note, in case you are interested to do the same in Haiku OS just use the OS X version.
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